Giving back…

Wow its been so long since my last post. But good reasom..with .my son nearing his 2nd  birthday I had said I’d go back to financially ghings got Harder I prayed God for guidance I didn’t just want to go to work just for insurance but for passion or purpose I am leaving for 8 hrs my  son and missing some critical  milestone  and for that it better be worth it. I’m not planning on another kid so u know . we’ll the lord felt I was better and more needed at home.bc my son was evaluated w delayed speech which broke my heart but helped me understand what is truly important my son. However that doesn’t mean that I have to forget or ignore  what I asked for from God  A JOB WITH I  have gotten involved in charities. I don’t have thousands of dollars to donate but I have a passion for running and an in good shape. So I i am involved in a couple of charity events one is I’m April 4/11 relay for life. A fight against cancer. My family has had this disease rock our world far to many times my grand parents victims my aunt and cousins daughter  survivors. Those are just my immediate family my extended has had breast cancer esophageal cancer.  So for April 11th I am run and walking for them.i urge everyone to do something attend an event volunteer participate donate even if u have only 1.00 that a dollar closer to help fund a cure for someone.

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